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Why do you need DMARC?

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is an email authentication protocol that enhances inbox security by verifying senders and preventing domain spoofing. It works alongside DKIM and SPF protocols, ensuring that only authorised emails are aligned with the domain’s policy. This not only protects a brand’s reputation but also strengthens the security of the […]
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Securing your Digital Frontier

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, security is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity. As cyber threats become more sophisticated, proactive defence strategies are crucial for safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining business continuity. We offer Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Scanning services which are designed to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities before they can be […]
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Call Switch One

CallSwitch One is the Unified Comms Platform that Calder IT recommends, as it is a cost effective solution for organisations of all sizes. It is the system that we use in our offices. It has a range of advanced call handling and management features, alongside all an old analogue system will give you. It also […]
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Cyber Essentials Plus

  Calder IT are pleased to announce that we are Cyber Essentials Plus certified. But are you cyber secure? How do you know? As we move forward in the digital world cyber security is becoming more and more important. Calder IT can drastically reduce the anxiety and risk associated with online security threats for business […]
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Microsoft Teams now has a compact chat view

  • Posted by James Allat
  • On 29th March 2022
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Microsoft has begun to roll out a new compact view in Microsoft Teams chat. This new chat lets users view a more compact view in the chat view in Teams. This new update only changes the chat feature of the Teams Chat message pane and has no impact on Teams and Channel experiences. Microsft Message […]
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Easily navigate to all your Teams files from OneDrive

  • Posted by James Allat
  • On 22nd March 2022
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Microsoft is adding a new feature in OneDrive called Your Teams to easily find and work with all your files in Teams. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 88912. When this will happen: Targeted release (select users and entire org): will begin rolling this out in mid-March and expect to complete rollout early […]
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Workflows in Teams app store for messaging

  • Posted by James Allat
  • On 18th March 2022
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Microsoft is adding workflows into Teams Workflows let you automate repetitive tasks or processes that connect one or more apps to Teams. In short, they can save you time and effort. Teams users will be able to browse, add, and manage this unified platform capability from the Teams store and from several other contexts within […]
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Microsoft is introducing Video Creation on Office Mobile

  • Posted by James Allat
  • On 16th March 2022
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Office Mobile is a content hub that houses a bunch of content types – from your favorite Word, Excel, PowerPoint to Lens, Forms, PDFs, and now very recently, Videos. In CY21Q3, we announced an update that saw Stream video player integrated inside Office Mobile. This allowed users to access and play videos on their professional […]
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Microsoft Changing the way you log into Microsoft365 using OAuth instead of Basic Authentication

  • Posted by James Allat
  • On 21st February 2022
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Message Summary Updated February 17, 2022: Microsoft has updated the rollout timeline below. Currently, users accessing Reporting Web service use “Basic Authentication” and must provide their credentials. With this feature update, Microsoft will improve the security of your tenant by replacing “Basic Authentication” access in favor of the recommended OAuth user interface which is where we will continue to […]
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Mute Teams Notifications During Meetings

  • Posted by James Allat
  • On 10th January 2022
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Microsoft is rolling out a new feature to mute notifications during Teams meetings. The current experience of receiving notifications during meetings is highly distracting and there is no easy way to turn off these notifications making it highly painful for users. This feature will introduce a setting to help the user turn OFF notifications during […]
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